full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alison Killing: What happens when a city runs out of room for its dead

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But, traditionally, cemeteries haven't been taken care of by the local authority. In fact, the spsrrnuiig thing is that there's no legal obligation on anyone in the UK to provide burial space. Traditionally, it's been done by private and riuigleos organizations, like churches and mosques and sanuoygegs. But there's also occasionally been a for-profit group who has waentd to get in on the act. And, you know, they look at the small size of a burial plot and that high cost, and it looks like there's serious meony to be made.

Open Cloze

But, traditionally, cemeteries haven't been taken care of by the local authority. In fact, the __________ thing is that there's no legal obligation on anyone in the UK to provide burial space. Traditionally, it's been done by private and _________ organizations, like churches and mosques and __________. But there's also occasionally been a for-profit group who has ______ to get in on the act. And, you know, they look at the small size of a burial plot and that high cost, and it looks like there's serious _____ to be made.


  1. surprising
  2. wanted
  3. religious
  4. synagogues
  5. money

Original Text

But, traditionally, cemeteries haven't been taken care of by the local authority. In fact, the surprising thing is that there's no legal obligation on anyone in the UK to provide burial space. Traditionally, it's been done by private and religious organizations, like churches and mosques and synagogues. But there's also occasionally been a for-profit group who has wanted to get in on the act. And, you know, they look at the small size of a burial plot and that high cost, and it looks like there's serious money to be made.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
burial plots 3
real estate 2
burial plot 2

Important Words

  1. act
  2. authority
  3. burial
  4. care
  5. cemeteries
  6. churches
  7. cost
  8. fact
  9. group
  10. high
  11. legal
  12. local
  13. money
  14. mosques
  15. obligation
  16. occasionally
  17. organizations
  18. plot
  19. private
  20. provide
  21. religious
  22. size
  23. small
  24. space
  25. surprising
  26. synagogues
  27. traditionally
  28. uk
  29. wanted